Discgolf bags
128 items total
A discgolf bag is essential equipment for every player who is at least a little bit serious about discgolf. In short, if you enjoy this game, it is very likely that your arsenal will sooner or later grow to 10, 20 or even 30 discs. And it goes without saying that when you go out to play, you want to have most of them with you. That's what special luggage is for, where you can organise your discs and carry them around conveniently. They are divided into:
- Small Bags - usually some kind of shoulder bags for a few discs are ideal for beginners
- Bags - the most common type of bag. You can choose from compact backpacks to rugged 30+ disc bags
- Carts - offers a lot of space, serves as a stool and saves your back...not your wallet :)